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Career Counseling

Palermo Counseling Services offers unique career counseling opportunities either in person or online.  We are licensed to administer the Strong Interest Inventory and several others to help guide you in either a new or different career.  All you need to do either request an appointment or  follow instructions below to get started.

Strong Interest Inventory Instructions


1.  Go to

2.  Enter Username (Case Sensitive)- Palermocounseling

3.  Use Password - mycareer1

4.  Leave User ID blank


5. Provide Demographics and click Continue

  • Follow all directions to complete your assessment.

  • Respond to every item, answering the questions as spontaneously as possible. Don’t think about how you “should” answer the question. The right answer is how you most accurately feel about the answer.

  • After completing the assessment click CONTINUE at the bottom of the page.

  • Write down your USER ID.

  • If you have been instructed to take another assessment, click BEGIN ANOTHER ASSESSMENT.

  • If you have completed everything you have been instructed to take, click LOGOUT.

  • If for any reason you cannot complete an assessment in its entirety, be sure to click SAVE & COMPLETE LATER, so your responses will be saved and can be recovered when you resume.

    • Write down the User ID number so you can resume and/or take additional assessments using the same User ID.

    • Click LOGOUT and close your browser session

    • To continue the assessment, return to item 1 above and start again, entering your USER ID in Step 4 and clicking RESUME in Step 5.



      *If you have any questions, give us a call at 803-322-0447






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